Why has my Azure Load Balancer stopped working?

Azure and the load balancers can be annoying little things. Especially when you are doing maintenance on your Azure environment, or setting it up for Cloudflare being the cloudthe first time. One of the quirks you may run into is that if you leave an Azure Load Balancer sitting for to long with no machines behind it, you may find that the load balancer itself just stops working.

Thankfully fixing this is actually pretty straight forward. Simply delete the load balancer from Azure and recreate it. Now you may be worried about dropping the IP address that it’s configured with, and don’t worry, you don’t have to. If it’s an Internal Load Balancer (for a failover cluster or a SQL Availability Group for example) then it’s just a private IP and you can just reassign the same IP when you recreate it. If it’s a public IP, you don’t need to drop the public IP address object from Azure, which means that the public IP address will stay right where it is. You can just reuse the same IP address object and you’re good to go.

It’s an easy fix to an annoying problem. For internal load banacers (ones with private IP addresses) they can be really hard to troubleshoot as there’s next to no logging done on an internal load balancer.


The post Why has my Azure Load Balancer stopped working? appeared first on SQL Server with Mr. Denny.


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